High visibility. Your business will be listed on this website which includes your business Name, Phone, Link to your website and social media (if provided), a photo and short blurb (if provided)
Most of your activities can be included in our calendar for the Tok Chamber of Commerce/Tok Visitor Center website, if appropriate (family friendly)
Your information will be seen by more than 20,000 people in a single summer season.
Our friendly and informative staff will actually promote your business when an opportunity comes to them.
Our beautiful log building attracts people from every direction – Anchorage, Fairbanks, Whitehorse and Dawson.
Highway travelers generally have an opportunity to stop at our facility going both directions.
The most asked questions from tourists: “Where should I go from here and what should I do?” Our well-trained staff will personally work with each traveler, help create an experience tailored to them, and make sure they leave with our Chamber Member map/brochure containing your contact information.
We provide internet service to travelers free of charge so they can make reservations at your business.
Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will help plan the visitors’ adventures in Alaska and the Yukon if you provide us with your information.
This may be the least expensive way to advertise to those folks who are already in our North Country and ready for an adventure.
Can your busines bear not to join?
The Tok Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center has been working hard to provide our guests with a better quality experience when they visit Tok. With all of the effort that has been going into this process, the local businesses that support the Chamber have been a top priority. Making sure that businesses have the best visibility to potential customers is on everyone’s mind. We have made quite a few changes to how we are moving forward and we hope that even more businesses will see that growth and want to be part of what we are building.
We have developed a great new partnership with Tetlin Wildlife Refuge. With that partnership last summer the Refuge staff tracked all visitation into the center for the 4 months it was open; mid-May to mid-Sept. We will continue to track this valuable visitation data each summer and be able to have month to month comparisons over the seasons as we move forward. We will be communicating this in our monthly emails to members during the season.
We have also decided to streamline the membership down to two available options, with more affordable options for those who have more than one business and want to support the Chamber. We have removed the a la carte choices, condensing them into two new options that include everything that was available previously, but in nice packages.
An upgraded map to our business locations is also a part of this streamlining. We are adding QR codes that will direct the visitors straight to your website to make it easier for them to see what you have to offer. We proudly send out monthly updates during the summer season with relevant statistics on visitor numbers and other exciting activities that are happening there. We want our business members to feel like we are communicating on a more regular basis on what we are doing to enhance the Visitors experience in Tok. Download more details on the benefits and pricing of membership with the Tok Chamber of Commerce.
Click here for a PDF with details and pricing for joining the Chamber.